Wednesday, March 5, 2025

T'Is Spring - Well, Very Nearly Anyways

It's right there, all the big, fun, busy things. Right around the corner! This weekend is the spring tack sale. What do I need? Nothing. Do I need to go? Nope. Am I going anyways? You betcha! Follwoing the tack sale, we're planning a group pony drive at the farm. I've put 3 drives on my tiny friend, Groot. He belongs to a very good driving friend. Groot has had extensive ground-driving experience. He just came to visit me with his brother, Bobbie, while his mom was in Jamaica. I had worked with Groot a few times before and had a pretty good feeling that we could get driving between the shafts. It took about an hour and a half the first time, from harnessing to sitting in the driver's seat, but there was really no issue with it, and each drive has been getting better and better! He certainly likes to work, and go forward. I get to keep him for another month and then either he'll go back to his mom's for the year, or he'll go to my good friend's for some more refining-type training. She hasn't seen Groot hitched yet - just video clips I've sent her. I'm excited and hope she's happy with him. Falcor has had his first drive down the road. We did 4 km with Jasmine the other day. He seemed happy enough to go along, but quite glad to have a buddy with him for confidence. The weekend after, I'm co-facilitating the annual Wild and Wooly ground/green driving clinic for the driving chapter. I'm going to talk about harness types, fit, and vehicle types and balance. I'll take Falcor and maybe Phillippe - if I can find a ride for him. I'm going to take Groot and our other boarder, Toast, with Falcor in my trailer, since the other two are participating. Falcor is just for demoing. The weekend after the clinic, I have a very exciting appointment planned in the city with Jasmine and Phillippe. Fingers crossed everything goes really well!!! I can't wait to share the news. Just got to make sure it's a go before I get my hopes up too much! Then it's April, ta da! Long-lining clinic with Falcor. I'm really excited to see how that one goes. A pair of French instructors (one from France and the other from Quebec) will be leading. From there, it's Red Deer for Horse Expo with Phillippe! I got 100 heart-shaped stickers made up of him to give out. May starts CDE season with Sparrowhawk Spring Fling. I ordered a pair of canvas slings to put in my horse trailer like hammocks so we can sleep in there. I have a solar charger and electric fence set up too so we can now stay overnight with the ponies at an event! This is going to be my dry run before Bonanza in July! All in all, it's lining up to be another really fun year. I can't wait to get into it! Until then, happy horseing!