I'm itchy for spring, REAL spring, not teasing spring that we've gotten this February. I'm itchy for Jose to lose his winter hair (it seems he's going to be the last to start sheading!) and to be able to get outside on dry ground and go ride during daylight hours.
I'm itchy for show season except, wait now, I don't think I'll actually show this year! Gasp! Blasphemy!! I agree completely! It's so foreign. Even just 2 or 3 shows a season is tolerable, but NONE?!?!?! How will I go on?
I'm considering going to some rail-class shows, do some in-hand with "little" Chai. It would be so good to get her out and have some experience in the bigger world. But poor JJ just isn't a show horse. I mean he's a wonderful performance horse in that he puts on a great show when we do trick demos, but he just isn't the most balanced, rhythmic or easy-to-ride horse! I don't know that he'd enjoy being in a regular show. If he's not having fun, I won't either.
But then, if we do decide to compete, if not in a rail class show, do we try baby eventers? You know I don't jump, hells no, but we could school some small obstacles and we do enjoy venturing out to Beaumont. I don't want to put him through my beloved dressage shows. He'll ride into every corner and do his damndest on every line but the poor guy has no natural rhythm, his canter is lateral so he'll be crucified even though he tries so hard. Again, not fun.
But we do have plenty of events. Not like eventing events, but our calendar is filling up. In addition to returning to Brooks this year, we intend to be participating in a friend's wedding for which medieval dresses are being constructed already.
I've been booked to JUDGE shows! Perhaps that's where I'll get my fix this year. I've judged plenty of small dressage shows. This year I've been invited back to Red Deer again to judge the 4H regional show in dressage. That's always a lovely time. And Valley View has contracted me to judge their local show as well. I'll need to find a hat for that one!
In any case, I'd love to have some suggestions for things we could do this year to fill our show bug.
In the mean time, Happy Horseing!
What about a trail obstacle class? There are arena classes as well as classes with obstacles on a trail ride.
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