Friday, October 6, 2023

Whaddya Mean New Pony??!

Yes, I did mention that I have a new pony, that I expect to do really well in CDE, in my last post. And I know you've just been chomping at that proverbial bit to find out what it is! Or you've creeped my facebook profile or business page and you've already found out. Either way, here's the details: I have a wonderful friend, beautiful soul, kindest lady on earth and just a pure joy - Shannon. Shannon has done a lot of work driving. She's shown Morgans and driven Saddlebreds, Standardbreds (on the track!!) and Morgans. She's got loads of experience on me and I adore how cool she is in the lines. Well, she'd acquired this darling little Hackney pony - The Speculator LF, "Spec", retired from the breed show circuit. I mentioned to her a few months ago that, when she has him driving again, I'd love to come out and try taking the lines. She invited me out whenever I was available. Obviously, I made myself available right away! I packed up my truck with my K-bike after lowering the wheels. I knew we'd be stretching it right to the end of appropriate height, but it worked. I packed Jasmine's harness beacuse it was the biggest adjustment I have. Poor dude, nothing fit quite right. The saddle on the harness was obviously too narrow; we had to tie the top of the hip strap to the turn back because it was adjusted so long. Not sure if he'd ever had breeching on before... But he tolerated it all and around Shannon went! It was so fun to watch her. You could just see that's where her heart was. And then I got to take the lines. It was awesome! So cool! Probably the top end of height that I'd be comfortable driving (at 11 hands!), but it was really neat! A few weeks later, Shannon messaged me. She's dealing with some life changes and challenges (girl, I hear you!) and wanted to know if Spec could come join our herd. I talked with my mom - kind of hoping she'd talk me out of it... no such luck! We decided, if he can be tolerant of the little kids riding, he could come live with us because we do need a move-up pony for them that's bigger than the minis. So, once again, we packed up all our stuff, this time included a tiny saddle, girth and bridle, and away we went with my friend Kelsey and her 8-year-old daughter. We put the little dude in the indoor arena at the boarding facility, which he'd never been in. It's a cover-all, fabric building, and it was windy! He was saddled, bridled and then boarded by Kelsey's daughter. Ali was on the leading end, Kelsey was beside her child and they walked around. Little Spec was very aware of the building, but he remained foot perfect while being ridden. He was far more concerned about his surroundings than the little person on his back. He proved to be tolerant, so I came back a few days later and brought him home. Jasmine was immediately in heat. Phillippe the donkey wasn't very happy about the new intruder, and Spec was equally unimpressed with him. They all settled in fairly quickly and are a good, cohesive herd now. I didn't love the name Spec. I really want him to let go of the hot-horse and high-knees driving that he'd spent his first 16 years learning. I don't particularly want a fire-breathing dragon in harness. The kids need a friendly dragon. Even a LUCK dragon. Ah - there it is. We've dubbed him Falcor and I will show him under the name "My Never-Ending Story" #amIright ??!! I've had him out a few times to ground drive. He definitely thinks he knows what's expected of him and, even barefoot, those knees come up really high! He also thinks the donkey is terrifying in harness! He's fine just naked - they live together! But in harness and put to cart, terrifying. I think he's going to spend a lot of time dragging the old tire around the property this fall - once I figure out an appropriate harness for him... And then CDE next year! Oh, and he's going to go for a month of under-saddle training with Melissa Glowinski so he can be ready to have the kids aboard. So at 16, The Speculator LF, aka My Never-Ending Story aka Spec aka Falcor is now a member of our herd. I own a Hackney pony!
I'd actually been considering looking for a young Welsh to start up as my next driving pony in a few years. Guess that's not what's happening afterall! Happy Horseing!

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