Friday, December 27, 2024

Not Too Late for a Big Success in 2024

The year isn't over yet! I plowed a path throughout the field so I have somewhere to drive that isn't too deep for the littles' legs. Hadn't had the opportunity to try it out until yesterday. Well, Falcor met me at the gate and was happy to go around. This time, I didn't even lunge him, I just took him for a walk in the middle of harnessing and that was enough. Once given the ok to go, he walked calmly up the driveway and out to the field. He did ask to trot and I gave him the cue. Happy boy set off down the path and around the corner. I've been playing with the thought of asking him to canter in harness and starting to school it, so when he offered to canter, I wasn't disappointed. However, I was cautious because he often bucks on the lunge when he canters, so I wasn't quite sure what was going to be offered pulling the sleigh. I also noticed that I neglected to buckle his left bucking strap around the shaft!! So he cantered for 8 - 10 strides nicely and came back to a trot without issue when I asked. Falcor enjoyed the trip around the field and made no complaints when I turned him around to loop again in the opposite direction. This time, when we came to a nice, long straight away, I told him he could canter if he wanted to, and he was glad to oblige. This time he cantered for longer, a very happy, forward, balanced and relaxed canter. Just pure joy of moving out in a big space, not any feeling of running away or tension, no tail over his back or snorting, just a happy pony feeling great. And we cantered a lot further the second time. I wasn't concerned about which lead he was on; I might have schooled it more deliberately if I'd had the second loop of the bucking strap done up, for my own mental security, but I just wanted to see how he felt about it. I love that he is feeling so good in his body that he's willing to try moving in different ways in his work. It's such a win!
16 months ago, when I first brought him home, this was little more than an aspiration I dared to dream. Well, I was committed to learning him and put the time into doing, even when I was not confident and felt like the pony might leave with me, and it's absolutely paid off. We have a lot of trust in eachother now and I'm excited for the future. Bring on 2025! And Happy Horseing!

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